A Series of Small Earthquakes Have Seismologists Worried California’s “Big One” Is Coming

Posted November 17, 2017, under Blog

On Monday, a 4.6 earthquake struck California’s Monterey County. The quake – which happened just four miles from the San Andreas fault line – was followed by nine smaller aftershocks.

When this happens, seismologists call it an “earthquake swarm,” which has led some scientists to believe that activity on the fault is just getting warmed up.

According to a study that was published in a 2006, from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, earthquake activity along the San Andreas fault line has become more predictable.

So predictable, that author Yuri Fialko estimated that the San Andreas fault would experience a massive earthquake within the next 20 years.

The study also found that from 1857-1996, an earthquake of a 6.0 magnitude or higher has occurred along the San Andreas fault every 20 years. Even more interesting, these colossal temblors were preceded by a “swarm” of smaller earthquakes.

The recent swarm of earthquakes along the San Andreas fault line has caused scientists to raise the likelihood of a magnitude 8.0 earthquake or higher striking California in the next 30 years, from a 4.7 percent to a seven percent chance!

As a California resident, it’s important to make sure you’re doing your part to prepare for the next big quake.

If you’ve purchased a home that was built before 1963, you should have your property inspected by a foundation specialist for seismic safety, and if necessary make all earthquake retrofits needed.

In addition to protecting your home, make sure you have an emergency survival kit prepared to sustain each person in your house for at least three days and evacuation routes planned.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

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