JulianConstruction.com: When Do You Need Helical Piles?
LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc. (www.julianconstruction.com), a foundation repair and construction company in Los Angeles, explains the purpose of helical piles and when you may need them. The purpose of a foundation is to support and spread the weight of the structure that sits …
JulianConstruction.com: Why is House Bolting So Important?
LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc. (www.julianconstruction.com), a foundation repair and construction company in Los Angeles, explains why house bolting is so important in Southern California. House Bolting is the process of attaching a house to its concrete foundation using foundation plates and anchor bolts. …
JulianConstruction.com: Finding the Right Foundation Repair Contractor
The most important part of your house is its foundation. If it hasn’t been built properly, the entire structure will weaken over time. Settlement, weather conditions, soil problems and moisture can also cause foundation damage and escalating problems such as wall cracks, sloping floors and …
JulianConstruction.com: What Type of Retaining Wall Do You Need?
Julian Construction, Inc. (www.julianconstruction.com), a foundation repair and construction company in Los Angeles, lists 4 of the most commonly used retaining walls and explains when they are used and why. The following are five of the most common types of retaining walls used for residential …
JulianConstruction.com: Informs California Residents of Quake-Proofing Grants
Julian Construction, Inc. (www.julianconstruction.com), a foundation repair and construction company in Los Angeles, is letting California residents know about government grants that may be available to them to help them retrofit their homes to safeguard against earthquake damage. A 6.0 earthquake struck Napa, California on …
Foundation Cracks
Over time, a building’s foundation will naturally settle (move downward) into the soil underneath it. Too much settlement can cause foundation problems such as cracking. When cracking occurs from settlement, it can weaken the building’s structure. Settlement causes different types of foundation cracks, including vertical, …