3.9 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Ukiah, California
On Wednesday, a 3.9 magnitude earthquake rattled residents near Ukiah, California at 8:41 AM. The temblor was roughly 45 miles from Clearlake, 51 miles from Healdsburg, 57 miles from Windsor, and 64 miles from Santa Rosa. The quake occurred 4.1 miles below the surface. Smaller …
Earthquake Retrofitting in Los Angeles
An earthquake can strike at any time if you live in Los Angeles. This is why earthquake retrofitting is not only recommended for most homeowners in Southern California, in many cases it’s been legally mandated. As a Californian, you know our Golden State is known …
Does My Home Need Foundation Underpinning?
Foundation underpinning is a type of foundation repair that is used to deepen the foundation in order to circumvent sub-standard soil conditions. When foundation underpinning is used as a method for foundation repair, the goal is to stop ongoing foundation settlement while strengthening the property’s …
Own A Home? Don’t Neglect These 4 Home Repairs …
Owning a home is a great investment — but with home ownership comes the need for maintenance. Regular home repair is something every homeowner should invest in. It’s important to recognize problems with the house before they evolve into something much more severe and expensive. …