The Definitive Guide to Foundation Repair
There’s always something that needs repair or replacement when you own a home. While it’s easy to put these things off, foundation repair is something you should never delay. If you’ve noticed foundation problems or warning signs in (or around) your home, waiting to get …
A Guide to Soft Story Retrofitting in Los Angeles
You’ve probably heard the word soft story tossed around if you live in Los Angeles. A soft story building is a common structure in Los Angeles that is categorized as a multi-unit property that was built with a weak or vulnerable first floor. These first …
Researchers Find Active Fault Line Along L.A. Coast That Could Devastate Los Angeles
A once-believed dormant Los Angeles fault was just discovered along the coast, with the capabilities of producing a massive 6.4 magnitude earthquake if ruptured. Researchers from Harvard, the University of Southern California and the U.S. Geological Survey have been analyzing the fault line for years, …