Torrance Makes Moves to Earthquake Retrofit At-Risk Structures

Posted February 25, 2021, under Blog

Torrance is getting proactive about earthquake safety!

The city has plans to conduct a $425,000 survey of local buildings to determine just how many buildings (without earthquake retrofits) are at-risk of failing during a large earthquake.

This is the first step the city has taken in requiring property owners of these vulnerable structures to get them retrofitted for earthquakes.

Older properties in the area, like those in Old Torrance, are considered especially high-risk. While some property owners have taken it upon themselves to get these structures reinforced, many remain without the necessary structural upgrades to withstand a large seismic event.

“Statewide and at the local level, there is currently a high-risk of activity trying to address this important issue of improving the safety of these older at-risk buildings,” a staff report said to the council. “Several cities have already adopted ordinances mandating that at risk buildings be retrofitted and other cities are considering such an ordinance.”

A bill was in the works earlier this year that would have required local jurisdictions to conduct similar surveys of at-risk buildings in their areas, however Governor Gavin Newsome vetoed it because it would have been an “unfunded mandate.”

Torrance has been floating around a retrofit ordinance since 2018, but with a lack of financing options available for property owners of these buildings’ the mandate keeps getting postponed until more funds can be secured.

Local officials are hoping that this ordinance will provide more information about the structural integrity of these older buildings and help generate community support to implement a retrofit ordinance.

While it’s a race against time before the next big earthquake, thankfully it looks like a lot of commercial building owners, apartment owners, and homeowners in the area have started to pull permits to retrofit their structures without a government mandate.

It’s especially important that homeowners and building owners get their properties inspected for seismic upgrades since it’s predicted that Southern California could suffer some $113 billion in property damage when the “big one” strikes, and an additional $68 billion in business related costs, according to data from USC that was released last fall.

If you think your home is in need of foundation repair, contact Julian Construction today. We’ll conduct a free home inspection for you complete with a quote for repair.

We have extensive experience serving our Los Angeles community and nearby regions. In fact, Julian Construction has inspected over 30,000 structures in the area!

Julian Construction was formed in 1994 and our focus has always been on building foundations, doing foundation repair and replacement, earthquake retrofitting, and house leveling.

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And in order to keep foundation repair affordable for our customers, we offer a price guarantee — because we know our quote for repair will represent your very best value.

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