Puerto Rico: 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake Damages Local Properties

Posted January 7, 2020, under Blog

Puerto Rico experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake on Monday – the biggest quake to strike the region after a week of smaller quakes preceding it.

Luckily, there were no deaths or injuries reported after the incident.

The series of earthquakes started December 28th, ranging in magnitudes from 4.7 to 5.1. The intense shaking from the forshocks and Monday’s quake left many homes and properties in the affected areas severely damaged.

The 5.8 earthquake was then followed by a series of – still large – aftershocks which ranged up to a magnitude 5 and below.

Puerto Rico


Many soft story apartment buildings collapsed, crushing cars in the tuck under parking. Other types of damages incurred were crushed roofs and collapsed homes that had slid off their foundations.

In one town, five homes buckled from the shaking.

“This is hell,” resident Alberto Rodríguez said of the quake, whose home collapsed on its side said from the shaking. “We haven’t slept… you can’t remain calm here. Guánica is no longer a safe place.”

“My entire family woke up screaming,” another resident lamented. “I thought the house was going to crack in half.”

The recent quakes in Puerto Rico highlight the importance of seismic retrofitting.

Retrofitting your home or apartment structure can prevent the property from collapse, severe damage and destruction, and save the lives of those who live there during a large quake.

If you think you own a property that’s in need of earthquake retrofitting, contact Julian Construction today.

You can schedule a free inspection with us, where we’ll send over one of our qualified foundation specialists to inspect and analyze the area in order to determine the best way to strengthen and secure the building.

To schedule a free inspection with Julian Construction, click here or call us now at 877-407-3876. A representative will review the information you provide and contact you to schedule your inspection.

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