New Map Shows Most At-Risk Earthquake Areas in California

Posted April 11, 2019, under Blog

The California Department of Conservation released a new map showing the most at-risk earthquake areas throughout California.

In addition to highlighting which regions in the Golden State are considered “hazard zones” based on their relation to the fault lines that makeup the area, it also shows which locations may be more susceptible to liquefaction (meaning, the ground will act more like liquid rather than solid earth in the event of a large quake).

The map comes on the heels of a recent article published by the Los Angeles Times, that revealed experts’ concerns from California’s decade-long earthquake drought.

The USGS found that not only will this earthquake drought come to an end; this could mean that the next century is due for multiple, sizable earthquake events.

“Once it gets going, it’s like a set of dominoes. You might get multiple events if you have enough strain energy stored in the crust, because it’s been a long time since an earthquake,” Tom Jordan, USC professor of Geophysics told the LA times.

According to the map, So. Cal coastal areas like Santa Barbara, parts of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Orange County will be affected by liquefaction during a large temblor. Because the soil in these areas has become saturated by moisture, the ground will be extremely unstable when earthquake pressure happens.

New reports are not meant to cause alarm but remind residents of the likelihood and reality of living in earthquake country.

“If we had earthquakes as frequently as we had prior to 1906 within the last 50 years, people would be a lot more in tune with what earthquakes can do, and have a lot more interest in earthquake preparedness,” said Tim Dawson, senior engineering geologist at the California Geological Survey.

As we head into this next period of (anticipated) increased earthquake activity, it’s important as a California resident, to take the proper precautions for earthquake survival and safety.

In addition to keeping an earthquake survival kit in your home, it’s essential to be proactive about earthquake preparedness and have your properties retrofitted for seismic safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

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