LA County Makes New Moves Towards Mandatory Retrofits

Posted March 13, 2023, under Blog

Looks like Los Angeles got a much-needed wakeup call after the massive earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria last month.

This week, LA legislators put into motion a bill that would mandate retrofits for vulnerable non-ductile concrete structures by 2033.

The mandatory retrofits would require adding additional steel bars to reinforce the structures.

“All over the world, we see major devastation as a result of earthquakes. So, we know that they’re coming. I think it’s incumbent upon us to be ready,” said L.A. County Supervisor Holly Mitchell.

Mitchell co-authored the bill that passed this week, requiring retrofits for many of these concrete structures within the next decade.

The bill specifically applies to concrete, high-rise, non-ductile structures owned by the county or in unincorporated regions that have been built before 1976.

The bill also calls for inventory and recommendations for all remaining soft story structures, and a pilot program that would provide financial assistance to property owners still needing to retrofit these buildings.

“Many of them are Section 8 properties,” Mitchell added. “From my perspective, they are properties that are not only vulnerable, but are critical in our effort to keep Angelenos housed.”

If you live in an older home, earthquake retrofitting is a necessary safeguard that will help protect your property and those who reside there during a large earthquake. And it will keep your home from sliding off of its foundation and collapsing (as we saw in Turkey).

If you think your home may be in need of earthquake retrofitting, foundation repair, or foundation replacement, contact Julian Construction today and we will send one of our foundation specialists out to conduct a free, thorough inspection with a quote for repair.

We have extensive experience serving our Los Angeles community and nearby regions. In fact, Julian Construction has inspected over 30,000 structures in the area! Give us a call at (323) 733-3377 to schedule your free inspection or complete the inspection request form.

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