Fixing Concrete Home Foundation Problems

Posted May 23, 2019, under Blog

As a homeowner, it’s important to take any signs of foundation problems seriously.

Foundation problems can create structural damage within your home and, when left unchecked and unrepaired, they can be very expensive to remedy.

If you’re concerned about foundation problems in your home, first you’ll want to examine your home’s foundation for any visible issues, next you’ll want to contact a foundation repair specialist to conduct a professional home foundation inspection. Once a diagnosis has been made, you’ll want to go over the types of issues facing your home’s foundation and ask for a quote for those repairs.

Unfortunately, foundation issues can arise at any time and in any home. While various factors can contribute to foundation issues (such as poor soil conditions, poor or outdated construction methods, plumbing leaks or poor drainage, tree roots near the home or natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods), the number one factor that typically causes foundation problems in a home is water/moisture.

Excess moisture under your home or a lack of moisture can cause the soil beneath the house to expand or shrink, both leading to instability in the foundation.

When the soil beneath your home is unstable, this can create movement in the foundation, leading the foundation to settle unevenly. When this happens, you’ll notice damage to the structure, large cracks, and as a result a decrease in your home’s value.

Here are common foundation problem warning signs:

  • Walls shifting
  • Separation around the home’s doors, windows and walls
  • Cracked bricks or concrete
  • Cracked or broken foundation
  • Doors or windows that stick or appear misaligned
  • Cracks in the interior flooring
  • Uneven or sloping floors

The types of foundation cracks that occur from settlement are typically vertical and wider in appearance. If you’re still unsure if the cracks around your home are from foundation problems, continue to monitor them and if they get wider in appearance, it’s time to contact a foundation repair company.

When it comes to concrete foundation repair, the most common methods used are slab jacking which pumps a cement grout beneath the slab or beam through specialized holes to restore the foundation to its original elevation, or piering which is a method that installs steel posts in the unstable soil to raise and stabilize the concrete slabs.

At Julian Construction, we’ll help you find the best solution for your foundation problems. First, we’ll conduct a (free) inclusive home inspection, followed by a detailed consultation, and at the end of our discussion we’ll provide you with a quote for repair.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors, earthquake retrofitting, foundation repair and foundation replacement. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

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