Everything to Know About Foundation Replacement

Posted January 18, 2021, under Blog

Foundation replacement is typically needed when the original foundation has deteriorated so much so that repairs cannot be successfully implemented, or it’s been constructed with brick, river rock, or stone which has not been reinforced.

The first step in a total foundation replacement is to shore up the house. This is done with extreme precision in order to prevent damage to the house (in the form of unwanted cracks to walls and ceilings). The weight of the structure is temporarily transferred to the shoring so that the existing foundation is no longer bearing the weight of the house.

Next, the old foundation is removed. To install the new foundation, a trench is dug underneath the house to allow for a new footing to be constructed. The depth of this footing depends on the size of the house, how many stories it has, and the weight of the materials used in constructing the house, as well as the type of soil present.

Then new treated lumber is installed — known as a sill plate — to provide a firm anchoring material for the new foundation bolts.

After the sill plate is in, new rebar steel reinforcement is placed throughout the trench, along with the new bolts, and wooden forms, which are used to receive the concrete.

The concrete is delivered to the job site by a concrete truck and pumped directly into the forms. The new foundation is allowed to fully cure, before the wooden forms are removed.

Once the forms are removed, the structure is attached to the new foundation and the stucco or siding is re-installed.

Though more time consuming than foundation repairs, with a total foundation replacement your house will be in much better shape for decades to come.

At Julian Construction, we’ll conduct a free home inspection for you complete with a quote for repair.

We have extensive experience serving our Los Angeles community and nearby regions. In fact, Julian Construction has inspected over 30,000 structures in the area!

Julian Construction was formed in 1994 and our focus has always been on building foundations, doing foundation repair and replacement, earthquake retrofitting, and house leveling.

When you work with Julian Construction, you get the principles of the company and the workers of Julian Construction under your home.

And in order to keep foundation repair and foundation replacement affordable for our customers, we offer a price guarantee — because we know our quote for repair will represent your very best value.

Give us a call at call (323) 733-3377 to schedule your free inspection or complete the inspection request form.


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