Does Your Home Need a Sister Foundation?
If you live in a brick or stone home, you may need a sister foundation to reinforce the structure.
Older masonry and stone foundations can be some of the most vulnerable structures around, especially when it comes to weak foundations. That’s because these types of foundations lack modern reinforcements – such as steel rebars – which means they’re more susceptible to failure.
Because many of these types of homes were constructed using poor methods, materials, or in regions with extreme climate, or regions that are more prone to seismic activity, foundation problems tend to more commonly occur.
What is a Sister Foundation?
A sister foundation will remedy any structural weaknesses with foundations that have been constructed from masonry or stone.
When a sister foundation is necessary, the new (sister) foundation is built around the existing, vulnerable foundation to reinforce the area without having to replace the original foundation.
To do this, a foundation repair company will start by digging a trench around the existing foundation. Once the trench is completed, notches are made into the existing foundation to attach the sister foundation to its perimeter. Next, a rebar is installed in addition to wood frames. After this has been completed, concrete is poured to secure the new foundation.
While the old foundation is not replaced, the sister foundation takes on the weight of the structure instead of the weaker foundation, which protects the home from foundation failure.
Signs of Foundation Problems in Brick & Stone Homes:
When masonry or stone foundations begin to deteriorate, you will see cracks in the walls of the house. Eventually, these unstable foundations can completely crumble, leaving the entire property destroyed.
Whenever there is an earthquake, heavy rainstorms, or other natural disasters, it’s a home’s foundation that serves at the structure’s first line of defense from these unpredictable elements.
Therefore, it’s extremely important to repair foundation issues as soon as they occur. Weak foundations are more susceptible to earthquake damage and pose a major threat to occupants who reside there.
At Julian Construction, we’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your home foundation is repaired, and the sister foundation is installed correctly. From the early planning stages to obtaining permits, we’ll make sure your sister foundation is outfitted and installed to fit your home’s specific foundation requirements.
If you’ve noticed any signs of foundation damage, contact Julian Construction to schedule your free inspection.
Julian Construction has inspected over 30,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.