Common Foundation Problems in California

Posted December 28, 2018, under Blog

The climate of your location plays a big part in the type of foundation your home will have. California is primarily known for its Mediterranean climate, which means that it has dry, hot summers and cooler and rainy winters. Because of these changing conditions, a property’s foundation may experience some damage as a result.

When it comes to foundation damage or failure, there are several conditions that may create issues with the structure’s foundation. The most common in California are soil shrinkage, erosion, hydrostatic pressure and earthquakes.

In California specifically, many homes will experience foundation issues after seasons of excessive rainfall or extremely dry conditions. This is because changes in the climate can lead to foundation shifting and foundation settlement. When foundation settlement occurs, this means that the soil under the structure has settled unevenly, causing the foundation to shift. And when the foundation shifts, this can create foundation cracks and pressure from the ground, which may cause the home to slope.

Signs of foundation damage:

• Floor cracks
• Sloped floors
• Wall cracks
• Doors and windows that stick
• Cracks in your ceiling
• Leaning walls
• Leaning chimney

Luckily, if your home has suffered foundation damage – due to climate and/or soil conditions or after an earthquake – you can fix your home’s foundation with a foundation repair company, like Julian Construction.

The most common repair methods for foundations that have shifted due to settling are the installation of helical piers or steel push piers, that are driven into the ground to help stabilize the home’s foundation and seal any cracks that have formed.

If you’re looking for a foundation repair company you can trust, Julian Construction are experts in foundation inspection, foundation repair and foundation replacement.

Julian Construction, has inspected over 30,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

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