Annual Home Foundation Inspection – Why All Homeowners Need One

Posted June 24, 2022, under Blog

As a homeowner it’s important to ensure that your home is in good condition – oftentimes, that starts with a foundation inspection.

Starting from a ground-up approach will make certain that your home’s structural integrity stays intact and cut down on major repair costs down the road from prolonged foundation damage.

What are the benefits of scheduling an annual home foundation inspection? Check out some of those below:

  1. It alerts homeowners to any signs of foundation issues and/or damage before they become severe.
  2. Different seasons have different effects on a foundation and inspecting the area on a regular basis will catch problems with moisture or poor drainage early, cutting down on major repair costs due to foundation settling.
  3. Inspections allow homeowners to learn how to identify the signs of foundation damage early, which usually translates to less expensive repairs.
  4. Inspections will catch settling issues before more damaging signs appear around the property such as cracking, sloped floors, and walls that pull away from the seams.
  5. Regular foundation inspections are vital for older homes because they’ve been constructed with outdated building and safety codes – meaning, they’re more likely to suffer from foundation degradation.
  6. Regular foundation inspections prevent secondary damage such as wood rot and mold infestations.

If you’ve noticed any areas of foundation damage around your home, in the form of large cracks on the interior and/or the exterior of the property, uneven or sloping floors, and doors and windows that stick, it’s important to schedule an inspection with a foundation specialist (like Julian Construction) as soon as possible.

During the inspection process, the foundation specialist will note all damage and provide the homeowner with a detailed summary of their findings, their recommendations for repair or replacement, and a quote for that repair.


If you think your home is suffering from foundation damage, contact Julian Construction today and we will send one of our foundation specialists out to conduct a free, thorough inspection with a quote for repair.

We have extensive experience serving our Los Angeles community and nearby regions. In fact, Julian Construction has inspected over 30,000 structures in the area!

Julian Construction was formed in 1994 and our focus has always been on building and maintaining foundations, doing foundation repair and replacement, earthquake retrofitting, and house leveling.

When you work with Julian Construction, you get the principles of the company and the workers of Julian Construction under your home.

And in order to keep foundation repair affordable for our customers, we offer a price guarantee — because we know our quote for repair will represent your very best value.

Give us a call at (323) 733-3377 to schedule your free inspection or complete the inspection request form.

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